Obesity - Vitality Hormone Clinic

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a complex health condition that involves having an excessive amount of body fat. It is usually defined by having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.

Obesity occurs when a person consumes more calories through food and drink than their body burns through normal metabolism and physical activity over an extended period of time. The excess calories are then stored as fat. There are many factors that can contribute to obesity, including:

Obesity is a serious health concern because it increases the risk for many other chronic diseases and conditions:

Condition Risk
Heart disease and stroke High
High blood pressure High
Diabetes High
Certain cancers Moderate
Gallbladder disease Moderate
Osteoarthritis High
Fatty liver disease High
Kidney disease Moderate
Sleep apnea High
Mental health issues like depression Moderate

Luckily, obesity can often be improved through lifestyle changes like:

Lifestyle Change Benefit
Balanced diet Promotes healthy weight loss
Regular exercise Boosts metabolism and burns calories
Adequate sleep Regulates appetite hormones
Stress management Reduces emotional eating
Calorie tracking Increases awareness of food intake
Professional guidance Provides personalized strategies
Medical interventions Addresses underlying health issues

The team at Vitality Hormone Clinic specializes in using bioidentical hormone therapy to help patients struggling with stubborn weight loss barriers achieve long-lasting results. Our integrative approach addresses underlying hormone imbalances that can make weight loss extremely difficult. By optimizing hormone levels, we aim to regulate appetite, boost metabolism, and promote healthy body composition.

In conclusion, obesity is a complex condition influenced by various genetic, lifestyle, environmental, and medical factors. It increases the risk for numerous chronic diseases but can often be improved through a combination of lifestyle modifications and professional guidance. The experienced providers at Vitality Hormone Clinic are dedicated to helping patients overcome hormonal obstacles to achieve sustainable weight loss and improved overall health.

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